Raymond’s Biscuits

Who is Raymond? He’s the resident ghost that the millers like to joke about. Any unexpected noise or mysterious creak in the mill is blamed on Raymond.

These tender and flavorful biscuits are made with your choice of all purpose or soft wheat flour (but we love an equal blend of gold pastry flour and rye flour). This is the go-to recipe for the millers on busy milling days.

Deep roots milling raymond's biscuits whole wheat


-3 c. Gold or silver All Purpose flour (Or a blend of rye and pastry flours)
-1.5 tsp Baking soda
-1.5 tsp Salt
-1.5 cup Buttermilk or plain yogurt thinned out with water
-1 stick (8 tablespoons) cold unsalted butter


-PreHeat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
-Combine dry ingredients.
-Julienne butter and chop into small cubes, keep dusted with flour to prevent sticking.
-Add cubes to flour mixture, smush between fingers to make penny sized flakes.
-With wooden paddle mix liquid ingredients into dry, mixture should be wet and incomplete.
-Transfer dough to floured counter.
-gently flatten to 1.5 inches and quarter.
-Stack quarters and repeat, keeping edges round with layers lightly dusted.
-Flatten to 3/4 inch, cut biscuits with measuring cup or biscuit cutter and place into skillet.
-place rack 3/4 way up oven.

-Bake 10-15 minutes.

rye biscuits wheat

Julienned butter

whole wheat biscuit recipe

Cubed butter dusted with flour

Dough flattened to 1.5 inches

deep roots milling biscuit recipe

Dough, quartered.

Whole wheat biscuit recipe

Dough, stacked up.

raymonds biscuits recipe

Dough rolled out

After baking and cooling, Slice in half and enjoy with your favorite toppings such as homemade jam or local honey. Makes a great egg sandwich as well!

whole wheat rye biscuits

Want to use our stone ground flours in your recipe? Click the buttons below to shop our flours.

Our flour is always stoneground in small batches each month. Fresh stoneground flour is minimally processed and retains more of its nutrients than conventional flour, and thus its flavor too.


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